January 30, 2024
Color Correction vs Color Grading

Color Correction vs Color Grading: Exploring the Key Differences

In the world of basic video editing, two essential techniques bring life and emotion to our screens: Color Grading and Color Correction. While they’re often lumped together, they serve distinct purposes. Color Correction is all about making the footage look natural and consistent. It corrects issues like imbalances in lighting
March 17, 2019

Color correction of videos in Adobe After Effects

In corporate and marketing realm, videos and motion graphics play crucial role for branding and increasing sales. So, high quality videos have a great demand and creating quality videos with awesome color is still challenging, because it depends on some other things like lighting, environment, video shooting skill, etc. As
May 2, 2014

Color Correction – Beautifying Your Image

There are different types of Photoshop based photo editing services. Color correction is one of those. It, along with others, is the most popular and essential image editing work. Actually, color correction is a process of playing with colors to correct an incorrect image, to make perfect an imperfect image