Logo Color Code
overlay, stylize, or skew these images in any way.

CMYK: 96, 64, 35, 17
Hex: #005374
RGB: 000, 083, 116

CMYK: 43, 0, 79, 0
Hex: #9BCD66
RGB: 155, 205, 102

CMYK: 0, 18, 83, 0
Hex: #FFCF46
RGB: 255, 207, 070

CMYK: 55, 31, 0, 0
Hex: #739CD2
RGB: 115, 156, 210

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Head Office- Leesburg, Virginia, USA
358 Foxridge Dr Sw, Leesburg, Virginia 20175 United States.
Telephone: 703-436-9404
Mobile: +97150-2036-939
Fax: 703-543-5751
E-mail: info@colorexpertsbd.com
Corporate Office- Sharjah, UAE
Sharjah Airport International Free Zone Building A4-68, Sharjah,
P.O. Box 122583, United Arab Emirate.
Telephone:+9716 5528 724
Mobile:+97150 2036 939
Fax:+9716 5528 725 Email: info@colorexpertsbd.com
Production House- Dhaka, Bangladesh
North Tower, Sector #7, Uttara,Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh.
Mobile:+880 1712511347
E-mail: info@colorexpertsbd.com

Press Release Image Gallery
Features Of Color Experts International, Inc.
♦️ 100% quality image editing
♦️ 6 Step Quality Controlling
♦️ 100% Hand Drawn photo editing
♦️ 24/7 Friendly Customer support &
♦️ 30+ years (18+ in USA and 17+ in UAE)
of combined experience
♦️ Use of latest technologies
♦️ 100% image file security
♦️ Easy, fast, and uninterrupted FTP
♦️ 250+ professional creative designers
and editors
♦️ Handling 5000+ image files each day
♦️ 24 hours turnaround time &
overnight photo editing
♦️ 12 hours rush photo editing support
♦️ 3D product modeling
♦️ Video editing & motion graphics
♦️ Free Trial Support up to 2 Images
♦️ PayPal payment system
♦️ Up to 40% discounts on Bulk Order

Best Selling Services

Remove Background
♦️ Clipping Path Services
♦️ Ghost Mannequin Effect
♦️ Photoshop Image masking
♦️ Photoshop shadow service

Professional Photo Retouching
♦️ Photo Restoration services
♦️ Photoshop Color Correction
♦️ Creative Photo manipulation
♦️ High-End Photo retouch

Photography Post Production
♦️ Product Photo Editing
♦️ Wedding photo retouching
♦️ Real Estate Photo Editing
♦️ Photo Blending service

Creative Editing Services
♦️ Vector Illustration & Conversion
♦️ 3D Modeling
♦️ Desktop Publishing
♦️ Video Editing Service
Happy Statistics
♦️ 15,000+ Happy Clients
♦️ 1,555,600+ Hours of works
♦️ 115,500+ Project Finished
♦️ 12,575,900+ Files Completed
List Of Companies (CEI, CPI, APS)
Color Experts International, Inc. (CEI) is a US-based global brand providing image manipulation services to the Photographers, eCommerce businesses, ad agencies, magazines & newspapers, marketing companies, and many more. With more than 30 (18 years in the USA and 17 years in UAE) years of combined experience, the company is serving from Virginia, USA (Head Office), Sharjah, UAE (Corporate Office), Dhaka, Bangladesh (Production House) employing the best photo editing professionals. CEI’s featured image editing services are background removing, clipping path, image retouching, image masking, raster to vector conversion, ghost mannequin effect, video editing, and motion graphic animation, 3D product modeling, etc. The most skilled and experienced image editing experts are producing the best photos leveraging the latest image quality enhancing tools and gear.
Clipping Path India is a sister concern of CEI. They also offer all types of image editing services such as clipping path, background removing, high-end photo retouching, image restoration, image masking, ghost mannequin effect, raster to vector conversion, and the like. CPI works for the topmost global brands like Puma, Adidas, Sony, Nordstrom, and photographers, graphic designers, e-commerce, ad agencies, etc. They appreciate CPI for affordable prices, discount on bulk order, quick turnaround time, 24/7 days customer care, etc. Most importantly, clients’ files go through 3 steps Quality Assurance process that ensures the best quality images for business. 250 plus dynamic graphic editors are dedicatedly working to offer ultimate image-enhancing services.
Access Printing Solutions is offering services and printing requirements to the printing companies. Establishing a strong relationship with the industry leaders of Europe and North America, z offers the most reliable and individual printing solutions. With over 30 years of combined experience, They serve Prepress, Image Manipulation business, Digital Inks acfor wide format printers, Water-Based and Solvent-Based ink manufacturing, etc. Our happy customers are world’s leading publications and companies including Newsweek, National Geographic, Time and R. R. Donnelley & Sons in the United States. Using the most advanced technologies and experienced workforce, we produce the best quality liquid Ink and want to provide aggressively to the companies from the Middle East to Africa and Asia to meet the ongoing demand.
Customer Categories
🔷 Amazon and eBay sellers
🔷 Photographers & Studios,
🔷 E-commerce companies,
🔷 Online Retailers
🔷 Advertising & marketing agencies,
🔷 Web design companies,
🔷 Pre-Press & Post Production Agencies
🔷 Magazine & newspapers publishers,
🔷 Printing companies, etc.
Happy Partners
✔️ Vogue,
✔️ Elle Magazine,
✔️ Perry Ellis,
✔️ Tommy Hilfiger,
✔️ Nike,
✔️ Macy’s,
✔️ Lacoste,
✔️ Polo, ✔️ Puma,
✔️ Reebok,
✔️ Adidas,
✔️ Kappa,
✔️ Chiemsee,
✔️ Sasson,
✔️ Hogan,
✔️ Harper’s Bazaar,
✔️ H&M, ✔️ Gillette
✔️ Nordstrom,
✔️ Victorinox Swiss Army,
✔️ Diesel,
✔️ Boss,
✔️ Armani,
✔️ Fossil,
✔️ Gucci,
✔️ Nixon,
✔️ Cole Haan,
✔️ Sony,
✔️ Apple,
✔️ Mac,
✔️ Samsung,
✔️ Panasonic,
✔️ Philips,
✔️ LG,
Media Communications
Media Contact: Soel Molla
Company Name: Color Experts International, Inc.
Phone Number: +1 703-436-9404
E-mail: info@colorexpertsbd.com
URL: https://www.colorexpertsbd.com/
Related Company FAQ
No. You do not need to log in/ sign in at our website to access information.
Sure, you can use any image without editing or distorting.
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Color Experts International, Inc. is a USA based Image manipulation service provider. With an experience of 30 years, it has become one of the leading photo editing company. With a great team of expert graphic designers and well-equipped self-owned production house, we provide world class quality image manipulation services which include image cut out, image masking, photo manipulation, glamour retouching, image restoration, pre-press work, advertisement, magazine design, etc.
We mostly work with top photographers, retailers, e-commerce sites, brands, agencies, catalog companies, web design houses, printing & pre-press companies, sport-clothing companies, etc.
Headquarters of Color Experts is situated on Virginia, USA. Our corporate house is in Sharjah, UAE and the production house in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dr. R.K. Molla is the founder of Color Experts International, Inc. and his eldest son Mr. Soel Molla is the present Chairman.
We also believe as a business organization that we are a part of our society and we have some responsibilities towards it. As part of our social responsibility, we give employment opportunities to acid surviving women who are victims of acid attackers. Besides, we provide winter wear and money for poor and under-privileged people.
By using the logo, banner, images, and other information of Color Experts International, Inc. mark that you agree to follow our guidelines, terms of services, rules, and policies. CEI reserves the right to cancel, modify, or changes the permission of using this press kit at any time. Nevertheless, If you want to use our name, logo, images, and any other elements that we own, please credit us, link back to us, or for further information, contact us: https://www.colorexpertsbd.com/contact-us